The Vineyard
The Running Horse Wine Story

As with training horses knowing what you have underneath you is very important. The land with which the vineyard stands is hard and rocky with soils of “poor” structure. which is perfect for growing wine grapes of premium quality. Grape vines are highly vigorous plants that can grow anywhere. As grapes have been grown for thousands of years the more important food crops where planted in the safest nutrient rich soils. Through planting vines on the lesser terain it was found to produce grapes of superior flavours and colours.
These soils naturally minimise vigor and trick the vine into concentrating on rippening fruit rather than growing lush and bushy canes. Essentually a vines job is to attract birds to its ripe fruit to propergate.With this in mind, the viticulture practices that we use are to stick true to what we have underneath and to work with it.
By not pushing the vines into producing higher tonnages than it naturally wants to produce Running Horse Wines have intense colour and flavors but unfortunatly very few cases are produced. Generally the shiraz produces 0.5 tonnes per acre and the semillon and verdelho around 1 tonne to the acre. And some vintages that arn’t going to make age worthy wines are not picked.
I don’t know many people that are putting down wines correctly. By growing low yielding and disease free fruit cellaring is not only possible but beneficial. Approaching RH wines young are a still very enjoyable experience. But as age and maturity take over it adds subtle dimensions that are great for enjoying wines with food or by itself.
…recognition of one of the fundamentals of quality – it rarely comes in large volume. And in the making of wine – it is the commitment to quality that will invariably limit production.
Running Horse Wines embrace unique viticulture methods based on allowing the land and the vines to form a partnership based on their natural capabilities. Intercession with the process is based on constant care with minimum interference in the growing process.
This approach produces quality wines with unique characteristics that are special to the region in which they are grown.
Running Horse produces an exceptional range of wines, which include;
Semillon, Verdelho, Rose, and Shiraz
For details of the current range, tasting notes from the winemaker, availability and prices, please view our sections on About our wines and our secure On Line Shop for delivery within Australia.
Contact us directly for wholesale or other enquiries.

Our Wines
RH Shiraz is exceptionally low cropped. With 11 acres of plantings it is pruned in winter and bunch thinned before the berries change colour (veraison ) which generally starts at Christmas time in December. This is the viticulture practice combined with the “tough ground” that gives RH shiraz its intensely dark colour and powerful flavours
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A classic series of whites, from Hunter bouquet of lemons and lime complements its lemon sherbet palate, this semillion has undercurrents of a fine mineral water it is developing honeysuckle characters from careful cellaring. This Semillon leave you wanting to taste the Verdelho as well, low cropped, fermented dry to give longevity in a bottle. A tropical bouquet complements the palate of guava and pineapples with a soft mineral character… and then there’s the Chardonnay.

Only small batches of Rose are made with premium Shiraz grapes that were destined for the classic aged Shiraz. Unintentionally we found that by soaking the crushed grapes on skins for 12 to 18 hours we are still getting amazing deep colours that could be mistaken for a red wine. One of many distinctive feature of our Shiraz is the impressive colour that adds to the natural anti oxidants of wine hence taking many years for our reds to drop colour. With fantastic primary fruit and the intense colour, Nick Paterson thought …
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Cellar Door
Take the journey with Running Horse Wines and explore how your favourite tipple goes from seed, to vine, to table and the entire process involved in nurturing flavours, intensity and style.
Give us a call and let us know you are visiting and we will prepare something special for you to try!
PHONE: Dave Fromberg on 0474156786